Class Descriptions
Descriptions of Communications Classes 101 to 303
Communications 101 Students learn expressions for greetings and daily life and are introduced to French customs. Basic grammatical concepts such as gender and number are explained.
Communications 102 Students learn vocabulary for the family, occupations, nationalities and making a phone call. The most common verbs are studied, along with basic adjectives and the use of articles with the names of countries.
Communications 103 Students learn expressions for ordering in a restaurant, talking about the weather, and other everyday activities, with an emphasis on French customs. They study the use of articles and prepositions and learn basic irregular verbs.
Communications 201 Students practice using several kinds of adjectives, “de” with expressions of quantity, and additional irregular verbs. Vocabulary stresses clothing, colors and cuisine. The cultural activities are related to these themes.
Communications 202 Students talk about leisure activities and practice describing persons. They formulate questions, learn about reflexive verbs and the use of adjectives, and start using the past tense.
Communications 203 Students learn vocabulary for discussing vacations and become acquainted with the French educational system. They study further uses of the past tenses and some useful irregular verbs, and are introduced to object pronouns.
Communications 301 Students discuss nutrition, health and sports. They practice using the future tense and giving commands; they learn related irregular verbs such as devoir.
Communications 302 Students learn vocabulary for talking about furniture and residences; they compare apartments while practicing the comparative and superlative. They also learn to use the basic relative pronouns qui and que.
Communications 303 Students practice both basic past tenses, the imparfait and the passé compose. They discuss situations and events in the past on topics ranging from art to biographies.
Communications 401 – 503 Please contact the Education Chair if you think you may place at this level. Material covered in these classes can vary slightly; the Chair can give you specifics about what will be taught in a given semester.