Faire Un Don à l’Alliance Française Omaha!
AFO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your generous gift today will support French classes, cultural events, student scholarships, and teacher resource grants for years to come. You may direct your donation to the areas described below.
Greatest Need
Your gift to the area of greatest need will support all AFO programs and initiatives, serving our mission of supporting, educating, and nourishing our community through French and Francophone cultural and educational programs:
• A commitment to life-long learning through year-round French language programs for students at every level.
• A commitment to connecting Omaha’s francophone community through French conversation, gatherings, films, lectures, and cultural events.
• A commitment to supporting French students and teachers through impactful scholarships and resource grants.
Your gift to the AFO Student Scholarships Program will encourage French students to deepen their interest in the French language and Francophone cultures during their high school years through scholarship awards of $50 up to $1,000. Scholarship recipients and donors are recognized at an annual luncheon.
Your generous support will help to provide impactful learning experiences that will last a lifetime. Applications for this school year are open now through October 15th!
Your gift will promote the local study of the French language and Francophone cultures through the AFO Teacher Resource Grants Program, which supports the efforts of French teachers through project-based classroom grants of $50 up to $500. Grant recipients and donors are recognized at an annual luncheon.
Any French teacher currently teaching at the middle or high school level in a Nebraska-accredited public or private school within the AFO geographic area is welcome to apply. Applications for this school year are open now through October 15th!
Thank you very much for considering a donation to the Alliance Française Omaha!
Nous vous remercions!
Mail completed forms to: Alliance Française Omaha 7914 W. Dodge Road - Suite 102, Omaha, NE 68114