Alliance Française Omaha has partnered with independent group Café et Conversation Midwest to bring Omaha’s francophones a French conversation event every week of the year!
C&C is a casual weekly meetup to practice/speak French. Whether you are a beginner, native speaker, or somewhere in between, C&C is the group for you! C&C meets at various locations in the Omaha area. Events are free to attend and all are welcome.
AFO will share C&C’s events on our website event calendar, but we also encourage you to join the C&C community via their email list and private Facebook group below.
Come celebrate Bastille Day improving your French!
Prepare yourself for a culinary delight. Your favorite meal is on the agenda. Tell us what your favorite dish is, the basic ingredients and how it's made, en français, bien sûr. Notes are ok; if you don't have a favorite then Ham & Eggs will do.
If you're new to French or wanting to improve, this is the meetup for you. And, if you're advanced or a native speaker, we'd love for you to come share your expertise. After all, this group, at its core, is based on kindness and community. And, of course, a love of the French language. If need be, prepare ahead--you can even write down what you plan on talking about.
We'll be meeting at 2pm on Sunday, June 14th at Corkscrew Wine & Cheese - Rockbrook. When you arrive, look for C&C Back to Basics organizer Dennis Vaughn. Let us know that you’re coming by RSVPing below. Hope to see you there!